the waves of the heart

It is summer and I am spending the first half of it in New York City! It's the first time that I'm "on my own" I guess you could say, since moving here almost 2 year ago. Although it is very temporary, it's definitely a growing experience. I miss my friends, I miss my girlfriend, but at the same time I still have so many blessings here in New York. For one thing, New York City is a blessing itself. There's always something new to explore, and this weekend my friends Aaron, Gale, and I went to explore Brighton Beach and Coney Island.
We got stuck on the subway for about an hour on our way there, but rather than let that ruin our mood, we laughed about it and made new friends in the subway car. Once we got to the beach, the views and the water were so worth the wait. I'm so lucky I got to spend the day with such positive, talented, and uplifting people.  All images by Aaron Kho, Gale Tan, and myself 


















So even though this month is a big transition from spring semester, where I was surrounded by friends, school, and routine, I'm not letting this change get the best of me. I'm grateful the past year was so amazing that it gave my heart something to miss. But focusing on what's in front of me, like these beautiful days at the beach, makes it easier to look forward to even more amazing times ahead. 
Thank you so much to Aaron and Gale for your help with making these images possible!



new jersey rain shine


the catskills