new jersey rain shine

I took the bus to visit Shayna in New Jersey for the second time this summer, because let's face it, I miss calling her my roommate, and sharing a home with her. 
She took me to the woods near her house to see this awesome old car left abandoned among the trees, and we frolicked around the greenery taking photos. It wasn't long before we felt raindrops though and were soon soaked in the storm, frantically trying to keep the cameras dry, but laughing the entire run back to the car. 
It was one of those moments that's remembered in slow motion for me: the two of us, running through the field in white dresses, hair dripping wet and laughing hysterically. It was one of those moments I would have killed to stay and photograph more of, but my camera would have definitely suffered the consequences. So I'll settle for the memories in my head, and treasure the photos and memories alike. 


















Thanks for running in the rain with me, Shay.
Also, thanks for sharing a room with me this past year. Thank you for the late night chats, for the ice cream, for painting on my back, and for your pink lights. Thank you for holding my hand when I had to watch that sad movie for class, for making me look like Alice in Wonderland, and for being just as weird as I am. Living with friends meant I was always comfortable in my own home (dorm) and I'm really grateful for that.

dose of nature


the waves of the heart