san francisco spring

This past spring break was filled with so many of my absolute favorite things in this world: San Francisco, long drives, baby goats, ice cream, my girl, and tree swings. It was a dream, bathed in sunlight, and it seems like every time I come to California, I live each day in some sort sort of dream. Maybe it's this place, or maybe it's just how I like to live.

Click here to watch a video I made about the trip

My hope whenever I photograph a place, or a person, is that I can convey how much I love it through the picture. My style is always somewhat dreamlike because that really is how I like to see things. San Francisco has inspired me beyond words the past few years, and is currently one of my favorite places in the world.

There's an amazing quote that goes, "If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph."

I could write forever about how my photography is inherently a free ticket into my psyche and my affections. It's that way for so many artists. I'm very lucky that I have Leah to graciously show me her favorite areas. The quote is about what you fear losing, but that naturally coincides with what you love most. This series is just a clear example of how grateful I am for the things I'm seeing.

xo Marilyn


Stop Kiss


21st in Joshua Tree