when leah came to town

This Christmas it is even more apparent that my most precious gifts are people, not presents. My beautiful girlfriend, Leah, is here to celebrate with me. Introducing her to my beloved friends was one of the best gifts I could have received. 
To anyone with a college boyfriend or girlfriend, you know that bringing them home can be exciting, but also so strange. It's like, 'hey, welcome to this entire world I used to be a part of before I even met you.' It's surreal to take them around to your old school, your home, everywhere you made memories. It's almost like taking them into your past, which is pretty neat. 
No matter how strange it may be, it's an important part of any relationship, if you think about it. It's one step closer to bridging the gap between college and home, as well as the gap between your old life and your new one at college. That gap can be daunting, as we often change a lot between high school and college. But spending time with someone you love from your "new" life, and people you love from your "old" life will really help you realize that it isn't so much your "new" life at all. It's just your life! It changes and branches out all the time, and for me, having the new and old come together really helped me in that realization. 
And gosh, what a better time to come together than Christmas?! 























we even went on a 'classic Marilyn-in the-woods photoshoot'













May you be surrounded by love and happiness this holiday season!
all the best, Marilyn

dear sweet cabin


thanksgiving in New York