dear sweet cabin


Dear sweet cabin, Thank you for giving me warmth and happiness, not only with your cozy fire place, but with your charming moose lamps and rocking chairs. Thank you for letting me in since I was 13 years old, and watching me grow up with each stay.  You've seen me be afraid of the dark, and be afraid of the world. You've seen me read The Hunger Games and even let me stain your couch with my tears as I read. You've seen me write, and journal, and realize that there's more to life than just high school. There is love, and adventure, and cozy nights by the fire where I'm left alone with my thoughts. I started writing down my thoughts, and you saw that, too. I took my camera outside to explore and realized that I absolutely love sacrificing warmth for the sake of a good self portrait, and you were there with open arms (or an open door, rather) to let me back in to thaw from my photoshoots.  You've seen everything of me. The best parts of me were discovered with you, each winter break when we come to stay for just a few days at a time. It wasn't until this year, when I stepped inside with pink hair and whole new collection of thoughts to write down, that I realized I've slowly been becoming someone different. I bet the pink hair threw you off. Last time I left it was long and red, no bangs, no bleach, no layers. But times are a changin', and change is good! 












(tattoo is temporary, but still very deer to my heart- get it?)














Thank you for being a constant comfort in my life, sweet cabin.

welcomed by white, year 2


we're all mad here