welcomed by white, year 2

Fact about me: I love snow. While city snow might not always be a clean blanket of white, but rather piles of brown slush that turn street corners into puddles of death, I still welcome it! I figure I can endure the slush if it means I get to enjoy living in a snow globe for a bit. Watching flakes swirl around as I sipped tea by the window, I felt more at peace than I had in awhile. 
Another fact about me: I hate change. Snow made me think about this exact time last January. I was a bit wary about coming back to New York, and missed home. But as soon as the blizzard hit, the snow changed my mood almost instantly. A bit of familiarity is always comforting, and going out with Leah to capture the weather just like last year was soothing to the soul. This whole weekend was soothing to the soul. 








spent a cozy night indoors with Shayna painting on us





To set this semester off right, I am encouraging myself to embrace change more than I ever have before. Routine is safe, and comforting, but what boundaries does it push? There comes a time when you have to look around and ask yourself, what can I do to make my life even better? Even healthier? 
Something I have to remind myself is that just because change is scary, doesn't mean I should settle for the same. 
I'm thankful I have people in my life constantly reminding me to move forward, and I'm excited to do so!

dreaming in pink


dear sweet cabin