Last weekend I went to the far west coast of Wales, near Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. I saw a flyer at school for a weekend trip to the Preseli Venture Lodge that included kayaking, hiking, cliff-jumping, and home cooked meals, and literally booked the trip without a second thought. I signed up not knowing a single person, or exactly how I was getting there, or if I even had my swimsuit, but sometimes there's certain trips you know you just HAVE to take. 
By coincidence, I did end up knowing one of my travel mates who also signed up, Molly, from NYU. Besides that, I met a boy at the lodge from Syracuse University who lives about 20 minutes from my hometown. Traveling is SO WILD.
The weekend was the epitome of a perfect escape. I felt so far from the city, from school, from life in general. Leah, if you're reading this, I completely understand why you never want to leave the mountains in California. I traded my phone for my sketchbook, and felt so damn refreshed as I sat by the fire sketching pictures after a long day of swimming in the ocean, jumping off cliff sides, and hiking along the coast through fields of sheep. Like, wow. I am so grateful. 
Taking a break is so important, and so inspiring, but it's hard to describe this weekend as a 'break' when my muscles are a special new kind of sore from all the activity. But I couldn't be happier about that. 
I also bought a little underwater camera to capture the endeavors, and loved being able to document through different mediums:
Photos courtesy of  Preseli Venture:
I thought some pretty thoughts as I sat by this here rock:

Isn't it crazy how everyone always says that traveling will change your life? Like, what is it about travel? About movement? I think it has less to do with the movement and more to do with my own response to that movement. The environment is changing, but it's up to us to change with it, grow with it. A lot of times I am forced to reconcile with myself. I am forced to face immature parts of myself and see how I can overcome them. Other times though, I am taking a trip to the edge of Wales, sitting by a rock looking at the setting sun, and writing about how goddamn inspired I am by it all. More thoughts to come, more photos to share. I think my thoughts and photos are two of the fundamental elements of my soul. 




columbia road flower market


brighton my day