up with the birds


This Friday was one of the most wonderful days of my life. It wasn't monumental, or particularly extravagant, it was just beautiful. 

Do you ever have those moments when absolutely everything around you is at peace, and you are at peace, and you just feel like crying tears of joy because life is so beautiful? Well as I sat on my blanket in Washington Square Park, watching the cherry blossoms blow down on my face like snowfall, I had one of those overly-emotional moments.

My roommate Kate and I ate strawberry shortcake from NYU's Strawberry Festival, I made friends with some really nice drunk men named Tucker and Joseph, and took a nice nap under the sun.

Later on my other roommate Leah joined me under the cherry blossoms, and we climbed a tree to watch the sunset. I am not exaggerating when I say that climbing that tree was one of the best moments of my entire year. Up with the birds, standing on tiptoe to see over the branches and out to New York City, and listening to Leah read her poetry, I haven't felt this free and happy in a very long time.

These types of days are my very favorite in the whole world. I could've sat in that tree for days. It just reinforces the very humbling lesson I've learned about finding the most beautiful memories in ordinary things. Very thankful Leah was there to give me a boost into the branches. It is very much a two-person effort.

Leah's armpit hair matches the cherry blossoms, how perfect.
here's to many more perfect moments to come,


New York, year 1


may you always have adventure