transition periods

I've finally gotten settled in London, and will be living, studying, and exploring here for the next four months! I can't wait to see where this time takes me, but until that point, I'm sort of caught in a period of transition and unrest. 

I wrote a little note to myself trying to untangle my thoughts:
You could have stayed in the city that you just got comfortable calling home. You could be with the girl you love right now, and those theatrical friends who make you smile. You could be taking photos of Abe in studio 828, or letting Shayna play with your hair, or having a picnic and listening to Emily or Alex play their ukuleles.  Those familiar things were hard to leave, but you left anyway. Just like you left home two years ago, and just like you'll leave things in the future to find more things to love.It's kind of a crazy cycle, isn't it? The coming and going of places and people, of confident feelings and weak ones.  I know this semester will teach me new things, but I don't even know what they are yet. I'm impatiently learning to be more patient. Transitions aren't easy. It doesn't matter how temporary the change, it just might kick me a bit before it helps me. I'll let it. I know it's for the best. Even if I don't know what the best is just yet.
The first weeks are always a bit of an overwhelming mix for me. I am very grateful for a beautiful room to call home, my sweet roommate and dear friend, Lily, and the best afternoon tea I have ever had thus far. (I literally haven't stopped talking about the scones and cakes all week)
If I can get that emotional over scones, I'm eager to see what comes next. Here's to a semester of learning love the clouds and the rain, looking right instead of left when I cross the street, and growing into someone I can be very proud of. 



lavender heaven


san francisco dreaming