
They say the closer you get, the more intimate the touch. 
There are hugs and high fives that lead to 
hand holds and kisses. 
You just get closer
and closer
and closer
until you know the shape of their body 
like the back of your hand. 
But there is a certain intimacy in the way 
you read my thoughts,
and the look you gave me when you didn't know how to tell me
you loved me.
One of the most intimate touches isn't a touch at all.
It is when your eyes meet mine.
shoot inspired by one of my favorite songs:
(image 1 is me and Leah from February, 2015. 
Image 2 is us from February, 2016)

Our relationships with people change everyday. Being able to track this progress and these memories is so important (and amazing) to me, especially when I can see the transformation at my fingertips through my work.





Adam & Sam in NY


dreaming in pink