summer of '17

This past summer certainly felt less cohesive than ones in the past, but it treated me well, nonetheless. I ~finally~ have time and a good headspace to reflect and share more photographs from the warm, lovely summer months. It was a series of new transitions, adjustments, new jobs, and new home, all wrapped up in a few very hot months in New York City. I moved into my first New York apartment, started two different jobs, and learned I wasn't very good at cutting avocados (but I got better at that every day!!!)

It was little lessons all around, like learning to reflect more, and take time to pause especially when living in a city that never seems to pause.

It started out as a whirlwind of wonderful nights spent being an adult with my girlfriend, running around the city and doing our best job of ignoring any stress. But then I got a second job at a bakery, Leah went to camp in California, and the 'summer' reality shifted. I had a lot to learn in the food business, and spent a lot of my time focusing on the new adjustments.

But in the midst of all the change, I got to visit home, grow, make brunch with my roommate Maddie, and even witness the solar eclipse. Memories like that make all the stress worth it. Seeing thousands of people crowded in Central Park with picnic blankets, all marveling at the sky together. That just puts me in my place, and makes me so thankful for the moments that bring everyone together on this divided planet. Looking back through thesis photos (many months later in December) reminds me why I do this thing. Why I snap the shutter os often. To immortalize, and appreciate.





camping in the catskills


color & light