pacific coast highway

The most rewarding road trip I've ever been on, and also the most scenic. It's incredible how just a few days surrounded by nature and beauty can put your mind at ease. My parents and I traveled from San Diego all the way up the coast through Santa Barbara, Big Sur, and finally Monterrey. 
I think when I prepared for this trip, I was looking for some sort of perspective. I packed all my cameras, film, long dresses, music, and everything else I usually need to be in my 'happy place.' When we set out on the road, I immediately found the perspective I was looking for. It wasn't a specific place, just this amazing, relaxed, ethereal feeling I got when the wind blew my hair and I stared out at the vast mountainous regions of Big Sur. I didn't need anything else.
 I just latched on to this wonderful calm, and I swear I could have stayed sitting on those rocks and staring out for hours.  Life is full of so many upsetting things, so many stresses, just so MUCH. But I found a certain simplicity while looking out into the ocean, and all was well.
here is a link to a video I made documenting the trip:

Newport Beach (shoutout to McDonald's parking lot)

hiking in San Luis Obispo














Pismo Beach






Big Sur











The beauty of this world is astounding. I'm forever thankful for the opportunity to witness it, and live on such a planet as this one.



coronado island