London | there and now


Throughout my time in London, I was working on this photo series. Like much of my work, it involves self-reflection, and it allowed me to experience this trip even more vividly. Here is my artist statement:

Photography is often an art of remembrance, guiding our memories through visuals. The way that photographs pause time almost begs us to recreate the moment, do more, and see more. It is evidence of ourselves, as well as our lives. Rebecca Solnit comments on this theme of introspection in her book The Faraway Nearby, describing “ …to dig deeper into the self, to go underground, is sometimes necessary, but so is the other route of getting out of yourself.” This balance of losing and finding oneself was the driving force of this project. Having lived in Europe years ago, when I was four years old, I had a previous connection to the place, and to the history of my past-self and memories. But this concept is also intertwined with the reality that I am different than my memories. I am in a new version of the same place, and figuring out how I can allow it to change me and help me grow.

Each moment is singular, and whether or not it is significant is completely up to the eye of the beholder. One second of stillness is either something substantial, or just time passing. I have found that many moments become significant only after occurring. It could take years to establish that significance. So I challenged myself to notice more, and ultimately be more present as I documented new moments that are sure to mean something completely unique to me in the years to come.

click here to watch my London video!

















moon water


hampstead heath