inspiring souls

Allow me to set the scene. I am sitting in a coffee shop in Covent Garden, talking for hours with a girl I've just met, and feeling utterly inspired by the beautiful abundance of good conversation, and abundance of similarities between us. 
I've realized that how valuable and rewarding it is to seek out people who see the world the way you do. By that I mean: following other photographers' work, and reaching out to meet them and form a friendship. It's one thing to meet people out of convenience, or out of proximity. But meeting people based solely on the mutual interest in photographs, and the mutual follow on Instagram, is really unique and special, since it usually happens that we have more in common than just a love of photos. 
Sharon Wu is such a sweet, kindhearted, creative soul, and it was such a pleasure spending the afternoon with her.
Check out her stunning work here!
can't wait until we meet again, Sharon!

richmond park


white cliffs of dover