familiar moondust

Last week I took a drive to my old favorite spot to take photos, which wasn't a long drive at all considering it's in my own neighborhood. When I was sixteen and just getting the hang of my first camera, I found this patch of field to myself and instantly fell in love. It was a place I could go escape to and be hidden from the neighbors' houses, and the rest of the world. I would read my books, finish homework, and of course take photos. It felt like home on warm summer nights.
Funny thing about that little field is that it's really not a field at all, but an empty lot for a house. Not only that, but my parents just bought that lot to build their new home once they move. Which means that place that felt like home to me really is going to be a home for me. It's amazing how the world works sometimes. I guess my soul just knew that place was something special even before my parents picked it. They didn't even know I knew about it.
So here I am, back in the field that will soon be a backyard. I hope we can keep as much green as possible, but for now I'll just enjoy warm summer nights on my old stomping ground.

























here is me at fifteen, when I discovered the field:
Feels good to be exploring the same place, but with a growing perspective.

devil's lake


pies and bikes