
My girlfriend is a lighting designer, my roommate is a hair and makeup artist, they are both majoring in Educational Theatre, and a majority of my friends here in New York are actors. But I am a photographer. 
The running joke of my life as of late is that I spend so much time around theatre majors, I am basically an Educational Theatre major myself. I don't mind it one bit. It used to worry me that I was spending my time involved in a major that wasn't even my own, but this weekend has reminded me exactly why I choose to do so.


The Student Music Educators of NYU were producing the show "Dogfight." Leah was designing lights, Shayna was doing hair and makeup, and my friends Alex and Marisa were in the cast. I offered to take photographs of the show, and I am so incredibly grateful I had that opportunity. Not only did I get to see my friends do what they love, but I got to do what I love as well: take photos of something I'm passionate about. 



















I love being associated with Educational Theatre, attending their performances, parties, and calling them my friends. I may not be in the major, but it has certainly influenced my life at NYU a great deal, allowing me to rekindle my love of theatrical arts, and gain experience with my photography. 
Dogfight fostered a loving family among the actors, and the production team, and it was so humbling to document and be apart of, even in the slightest.
xoxo, Marilyn

cherry blossoms


20 years