country roads, take me home

After all these years, we went back to Virginia. Back to my family and all those sweet, sweet memories. 


Ever since I was a little girl I would write stories in my notebook about the farm on a hill with more cats than I could count on my fingers, and more land than my little feet could run around before getting tired. 
Ever since I was a little girl I would crave the days when I could ride the mighty dragon that my uncle called "a tractor" and plow the mighty fields like I was queen of the world. 
Ever since I was a little girl I spent summer and winter vacations growing up on this wide open land, playing pretend and laughing until my little belly hurt. My heart was bursting with love every time I visited my family here.
Being here once again, now a nineteen-year-old girl standing atop the same soil that my three year old feet ran across, it is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. 

my cousin Ryan's wedding 


Aunt Harriet's house

Natural Bridge

driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway

abandoned General Store
I love this land so much. I love my family, and the mountains, and the country. The three-year-old deep inside my heart is rejoicing once again. 

north carolina


constellations of confetti