bye bye Baus

I couldn't imagine a better wedding for my brother if I tried. Everything was perfect. The church service was lovely, the bridesmaids are some of the nicest girls I've ever met, and don't get me started on the food. Pure beauty. Miss Samantha Baus is now a Lamanna.

ceremony photos captured by our friend Jill

 definition of our family. and there's me taking photos of course

weddings make me feel so human. If that makes any sense, I just feel a certain togetherness and love that radiates when everyone is gathered to honor one couple. The fact that the couple was my brother and new sister made me so elated. When I walked down the aisle and saw my family, some of whom I've missed terribly over the years, it was magic in my heart, to see them and to see my brother waiting at the end of the alter to welcome his new wife. Life, man. It's pretty rad sometimes.

xoxo Marilyn


rocket club


california dreaming