built to grow

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The camera has helped foster my relationship with my partner, Leah, since day one. I did a documentary project on Leah when we lived together as roommates in 2015. On the surface, it documented her as my roommate, but it really captured my affinity for her as I slowly and unknowingly fell in love. I will always cherish that photo project as it tells such a vivid personal story. Now four years later,  I wanted to revisit our relationship in an entirely new light, building upon what I captured at the beginning, and telling an entirely new story that is changing as we change. 'Built to Grow' is a portrait series documenting what we mean to each other, as well as who we are on our own as individuals. It explores the process of strengthening a relationship while simultaneously leaning into the uncertainty of what's to come, and who we may be in a few years. There is a unique sense of certainty that comes with the realization that nothing is stagnant. All we know is what we mean to each other right now.

We make decisions about our lives with each new day, and the process of understanding who we are comes with complications, shifts, and mistakes, but also beautiful growth. This project visualizes the growth and ambiguity of a relationship that could go in any direction. We're built to grow, whether it's together or apart, but the beauty lies in the process.


bearskin meadow


NYU graduation