that loving feeling

It's been a month since I came back to New York City. Like most transitions, it was slow at first, and now it feels like a week passes in the blink of an eye. It's kind of like drinking. It goes slow and steady until all of the sudden you're feeling some type of way. But what I'm really focusing on are those "all of the sudden" feelings that leave you feeling like you've suddenly made it to somewhere calm and comfortable in your life. Last week Leah and I met up with our friends Zev and Callie to make drinks and be merry. The drinks were delicious, the company was even better, and it was all around an ideal evening.

It feels like yesterday that I was counting the days until I could finally be back in New York, and then here I was, on this night, taking photos of these beautiful friends.

I know that there really is no point in time when we finally "make it" in life. I consider it more of an ebb and flow of comfort and unease. This night represented the comfort. We might "make it" many times, and then we might change everything and try to "make it" again. But as long as we find the nights that make us feel good about our life, and comfortable in our surroundings, that's worth so much. That warm, loving feeling when you drink a pink drink, hold someone you adore, laugh at anything, and each person in the room is with the person they love.

Here's to making it happen. Here's to that loving feeling.



21st in Joshua Tree


love thy sister