what the heart wants

The most poetic friendship I've ever had. 

That's all I can really say to describe my overflowing amount of love for my friends Elizabeth, Allie, and Janelle. 

Each one is different, and yet they each have the same spark in their heart, and love for life that makes me fall in love with their soul every day. I miss them more than I can take when we are away at school, but coming home to the hugs, the downtown adventures, the late night talks, and the best sleepover I've ever had is worth months of absence. 

It amazes me how we are growing up so quickly, and if anything, I think our friendship is maturing in a way that makes us closer as humans. I could tell them anything. 

downtown Chicago

Millennium Park

cookies and conversation by the fire

late night beautifying 

self confidence is the very best makeup 

 tell me your struggles

one of the very best nights of my life. 

And all it was was a simple sleepover. But one thing Allie, as well as Janelle and Liz, have taught me is that there is so much unappreciated beauty in the ordinary moments.

This is life. We are alive, and breathing, and with the people we love.

Isn't that enough to make us cry of joy?

It is enough for me.

xoxo, Marilyn


a free soul


stephanie, elizabeth, and the city