the girl in the ocean


I have dreamed of getting in the water for a photo shoot for so many months, and finally got the chance to do so yesterday with my friend Sam. We both got dressed up, and ignored many curious stares from many curious people. These are some of my favorite pieces in a long time! enjoy!


 The Girl in the Ocean
 Perhaps you've seen her, lost at sea. 
And when she cried, she cried tears of the ocean. 
For the ocean seemed to love her far more than you ever would. 
It invited her in, let her swim amongst her thoughts 
while trying desperately to drown out the thoughts of you.


 Samantha's darling 20's look











 look who joined us! Isabella!
















 this little guy is in fact a real butterfly. Not a prop. I love when nature decides to be friendly.


succesful shoot!

Taking on Lake Michigan in a dress was actually a lot of fun. Thanks so much to Sam for being the lovely model she is, and being my camera man as well.

Always a new adventure

xoxo Marilyn


trains, noodles, and sixteenth birthdays


a bride to be