The day we met Jennifer Lawrence

Today was one of the luckiest days of my entire life.
I got word that the cast of Mockingjay would be on "Good Morning America", so I dragged along my unbelievably cooperative roommate,Leah, to camp out in Times Square at 1am (had to snag a front row spot of course)
After 6 hours of dedicated waiting, Leah's undeniable friendliness with the security guard was able to get us IN the studio as a part of the fan audience. 5 wristbands, out of hundreds of people, were distributed secretly. I was so overtired and excited, that before I could blink, a man was sending us up an elevator onto the set. I didn't ask for any of this. All I could do was thank every single staff member endlessly. 
The moment they pushed us onto the set, I saw her. I heard that laugh, and I looked to see right into Jennifer Lawrence's eyes. 
The eyes I've seen so many times before on the movie screen. 
The eyes that wanted to defy the Capitol in Catching Fire. 
The eyes that shed tears when Rue gave her life.
 She was sitting right in front of me, in between Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, and it was as if time stood still for the longest moment.
It was her. 
All I've wanted to do since the day I fell madly in love with The Hunger Games is find a way to meet the people who gave my beloved characters life. To prove to myself that stories do come alive. I was standing before Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Gale Hawthorne, and it was the biggest blessing from heaven I've had in a very long time.
There are no proper words to describe how grateful I am for this day, so please enjoy my iPhone journey in the form of cute Polaroids, and God bless.







I don't know what to say except that my dream really did come true. For years I've envisioned meeting Jennifer Lawrence, as well as the others, as an impossible phenomenon. Life can be extremely lucky sometimes. I hold these lucky moments close to my heart forever.
may the odds be ever in your favor today,

if we burn, you burn with us


a ghost's land