humans of comic con

One of the wondrous things about Comic Con is all the cosplayers. Now if you're unsure what "cosplay" is, it's short for "costume play" and it's basically the best game of dress up you could imagine. 

Thousands of dedicated fans come from far and wide to showcase not only their love of comics/movies/tv shows, but their insane talent with costumes. I met tons of amazing people this weekend, and the best part is, they make me feel normal when I walk down the street in costume. No strange glances, no judgment, because this is Comic Con! it's fantastic.

Hello hello, this is me. Amy Pond on Thursday

and Katniss Everdeen on Sunday

and here are the other humans of comic con:

 got to see my pal, Kristina!

and I thought Halloween was impressive
xoxo Marilyn


if I stay


day 1 at the con