familiar and strange

I'm home for the holidays, at last. I've been anticipating the return to familiarity for so long, but as soon as I stepped on the plane to leave New York, I realized I was going to miss it. That's good. After so much change these past months I've learned how valuable it can be to leave a place for some time. Not only does it make me appreciate home in a whole new way, but I feel like the world is so much bigger now. 

Home is familiar, and it's comfort. Even so, there are some things I'm coming back to that are brand new. I'm meeting new friends for the very first time, falling in love with new things, and new parts of the city. I'm a visitor in my own home, which is definitely a strange feeling, but it is home all the same. I'm so thankful to be here.

Reunited with my best friend downtown. I met her at her high school, and we hugged for about five hours after that. 

one year ago when Sam and I first met:

So happy to be in Chicago once more. Looking forward to more hugs, love, and happiness these next weeks. 

Happy Holidays, Marilyn


the next december


the 24 hour selfie