
Some nights my mind has so many thoughts I think it might threaten to explode if I don't write them down. 

I keep these thoughts to myself mostly, but once in a blue moon, the revelations become too real, the emotions become too beautiful and raw, and I just have to create something. All the love, untangling of thoughts, and invigoration spill into my words and then into my photos.

And out of all these thoughts came these photographs, taken around 1am, when it seems I'm at my most creative, lately. 

"we are each separate beings. Each our own galaxy in the cosmos just trying desperately to figure out what to do with our lives.  
But the directions are endless. And you can't follow one galaxy if they don't follow you right back. 
We're each separate beings."

 "but sometimes these hands don't have enough strength in their veins, and that is the time when you must allow another inside, so long as you don't trap them."

whatever you may be going through, just keep going. The only thing you can truly control is you, and sometimes that thought is very empowering. 

I'm proud of these simple hand photos because they were sporadic, and inspired in the moment. They MEAN something to me, and those are the best kind of photos I could hope to create.



coronado island


comic con 2015