bang bang

In life, sometimes it's very liberating to take matters into your own hands.
And by "matters", I mean my hair.

I love my hair to death, but life is a growing experience, so how can I live and NOT say I've chopped my own locks at least once? Nothing drastic, but a change nonetheless! 

To make matters even more exciting, and rebellious, I used the scissors I accidentally stole from my old high school! Woah, I know. Slow down there, rebel.
( I swear it was an accident, they were in my bag, it would be awkward to return them now, please don't tell on me)


I'm terrible with coordination, and scissors, so it's a miracle this even worked...

Is it weird that I photographed this entire process? Maybe. But I'm very happy I did, and I think it makes me appreciate this new look much more than if I went to a hairdressers.

The nerd side of me was pretending I was Mulan with her sword, or Tris Prior in Insurgent while cutting my locks. It made it more fun. 

hooray for taking risks!
xoxo, Marilyn




Minocqua, WI