holiday craft night

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This weekend I hosted my first craft night! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time ,especially since my role as arts & craft coordinator at summer camp. It was the perfect way to bring people together and have a cozy night full of creativity and so much laughter. It was the first chance in many months to bring friends from all areas together under one roof, and to see them mingling and laughing together felt like magic. I feel very grateful! We wrote letters with pretty stamps, and made 3D snowflakes.

Elizabeth even came over from Philly and stayed with me for the weekend, which made the whole event 100 times better. We attempted vegan, gluten-free brownies and she helped me prep in every way, like the gem that she is.

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I can’t wait to host more crafting events like this, and I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season!

xo Marilyn


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